All of Judah's sacrifices were disgusting to God. All celebrations false. All gifts meaningless. Every festival a burden. Because of the sins and evil ways they enjoyed and there was no genuine repentance.
* There was no doing good. Only self centred ways of appeasing self.
* There was no seeking justice. There is no sense of right or wrong. Only what is good for self.
* There was no helping the poor, the orphans and the widows. God has been always pro-poor. The love for the needy was replaced by the love for the rich and the affluent and their money.
Are all my deeds a farce before God? Showing dichotomy. Does it reflect my hypocrisy? If I place my feet in two boats, I am sure to fall.
All the bloodshed of Judah's sacrifices are all looking like a vaudeville. The animals are killed for nothing. There is no actual remedy for sin. The killing of these innocent animals has been made a mockery because of their heart's attitude of rebellion; persistance in sin and lack of genuine repentance.
Have I made my worship a mockery with no genuine repentance?
My songs aloud disgusting Him?
My prayers burdening Him?
Has He shut down; because of my lack of repentance?
2Cor:7:10 For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation.
Come let us settle this!
And He says "I will make"
He is taking an initiative to make our scarlet sins white as snow and our crimson red sins as white as wool.
And that is the essence of the cross.
All we have to do is to listen with our heart. Not refuse to obey. And turn ro God.