What are your strongholds?
What are your assets?
Where do you run to in times of dire need?
What do you consider your strong points?
The Lord, the Lord of Heaven's armies
Will take away from Jerusalem and Jidah
Everything they depend on
Every bit of bread
And every drop of water.
Be it your degrees. Be it the security in your job. Be it your health or your financial stability. Be it your contacts and your relationships. Nothing will stand. The Lord demands ( what is due for Him) an undistracted devotion, an absolute and complete trust in Him. In Him and Him alone. All others which we put our trust on, will never last. All futile.
The bard has seen in his own as well as in other's life, the Almighty God teaching a valid truth, that He alone stands by demolishing my strongholds and fortresses. The very things which I considered I could run to, failed me miserably. And there was only one thing that stood through. The Almighty God and His unending love.
Just as the temple, the idols and all false walls were all crumbled down and demolished, let God demolish all my strongholds in order that I can trust in Him alone.
Though It looks scary. Though it looks petrifying, it is worth it.
It is better to see it all decimated well ahead of time, rather see it all crumble when you actually expect it to support