Beautiful Jerusalem stands abandoned Isa:1:8
What riches were promised? Eternal life is nothing less than perfection. Because it was promised by a perfect Father to His children. Knowing the Father and thr Son is eternal life and that is nothing short of the abundant rich life. Life in its fullness. And eternal life is not something you would be going to inherit. It is already yours.
Not struggling with sin; but a victorious living. Not a life dwindled with emotions and feelings. But a life established in faith; focussed on God's face. Not as a slave; but as a son Or a daughter of the King.
2 Pet:1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for godliness.
Everything we need to live a godly life (which is life to it's fullness) has been provided.
But then why are we living in shatters. Why are we living a life of ruin. Why are we living a life abandoned?
It is because we believe in Satan's lies than the God of truth. Satan says you are like this and you will not change. We believe that. But God says, I will transform you into my likeness, we do not have faith.
Satan brings in temptation and we tend to succumb, rather than the ability to overcome it as implanted in us by the Holy Father.
We live a life forgetting the truth that we are more than conquerors.
Let us shake our mane and rise up. Beautiful He created us. Beautiful our lives are. Let us not live in ruins, believing in any lie.