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Strong - A Poem

For love is as strong as death 
Song of Songs:8:6

What is certain in life? 
What is sure to come? 
No matter where you hide
Where you station yourself
Where you protect yourself
How much ever you guard yourself
You pour out money in defense
Or threaten with your atomic or nuclear explosives
Or strengthen your barricades or bouncers
Or bodyguards or any other protections
One day you will have to face him
Anyone who is born, has to look at death
Face to face one day; No escape
That is the only certitude in life
No riches; No success; No happiness
Not sickness; nor poverty. 
One thing for sure - Death is inevitable. 

Here is something even stronger, even surer
The love the Father only can bestow, only can lavish
That which will never leave you nor forsake you
You can never get away from His presence
Even in the grave; His love saves
Even in the deepest darkness; His rod and staff is enough
The surity of an unchanging God is His love
His love to you; binds Him to you
His love vs The ultimate Judge
And therefore He bore it all Himself on the cross
So that you might be saved from the fiery hell
For nothing can separate me from the love of God
That is the surity I can always have
No heights, no depths, no powers of hell
No angels, nor demons, no worries
I am absolutely within His palm
With the palms of the Father overarching. 

You can be assured dear one, of this love
As sure; as strong; as powerful as death can be
In fact more; for I can boldly ask
"Where O death is your sting?
I am His; His very own; You can't touch me"
When you are not sure of being loved by your dears
When you feel insecure in your relations
There is the One that always loves
One that just keeps loving
No matter what
Your hands or your words or your thoughts
Doesn't stop His heart from loving you
Always loving - always wanting you to be like Him
In His image you were created out of love
In His likeness you are being sustained
In His character you would ultimately become
All out of love - as strong and sure as death. 



  1. Hallelujah thankyou Jesus for Thy presence and peace amidst all insecurities 🙏

  2. Amen. And that perpetual love is what makes us fearless even at death coz' we know we will be safe in the arms of our beloved Father.

  3. Where o death is your sting
    Where o death is your victory


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