Not everyone is expected to be a C. S. Lewis or an A. W. Tozer or a Billy Graham. But you are expected to go. To reach out.
The question is directed to you. Whom shall I send? To that friend of yours whom you have seen as a loner, sitting in the corner of the classroom, always with a melancholic face.
Whom shall I send? To that friend who struggles with cancer, who is apprehensive about his future and how his family would survive without him.
Whom shall I send? To that young widow who wanted to start things beautifully and then life took an abrupt turn in her life for worse. Now not knowing how to go about.
Whom shall I send? To those parents who helplessly see their child slipping away; may be an ailment. May be rebellion.
I will go.
Not all Christians are oratious. Not all Christians are David Livingstones and Hudson Taylors. But you can be the light in your brother's life. Directing him to the God who loves him. Pulling him out of the darkness. You are not expected to impact the world if you can't impact lives.
If I am blind to my neighbour's needs and I run to change the world, there is hypocrisy written all over it. Would you help Or would you preach? Only one person is there to hear ( the one whom you help) vs a church overflowing with congregation.
Time to ponder.