You have ruined Israel, my vineyard.
Have you ruined Israel?
Have you destroyed the vineyard entrusted to you?
The small piece of His kingdom given to you, what have you led it to?
What have you done to the helpless dependants? What is the status the foreigners and immigrants who helplessly wander into your kingdom?
Have they seen the real King Or have the wild and self centred steward Or the evil prince who grabbed it?
What will I have accomplished as I made all my decisions?
Whom did they all see as I established only my will and plans? As I ascertained my viewpoint arrogantly, authoritatively and aggressively.
The humble servant king vs the arrogant imposing prince.
The light vs darkness.
The truth vs lie.
It is His vineyard and you are a steward. Do not act like the owner. The tender shoots entrusted to you, let it bloom. Do not ruin.