Purity is compromised when adulterated. You don't say half pure when the milkman decides to pour water to milk or vice versa. It is definitely called impure.
Anything which is not in accordance with the intended purpose becomes impure. Anything adulterated. Anything which misses the mark, becomes hamartos.
You Oh! Blessed one are chosen to be in the image and likeness of God. Chosen to imitate Christ. Chosen to be transformed into His likeness. But as influenced by the world, if you conform to the world, you become like a well watered wine.
The world and it's system is so corrupted that the influence it causes is just a shade of the actual expectation or even worse.
Helpless as we are; when we realize the truth and run to the throne of grace. He giveth more grace.
Once so pure, you are now like a well watered wine.