The children I raised and cared for
Have rebelled against me.
We were born in rebellion. In sin we were conceived. Born sinners. Even though the rescue act happened on the cross and we are all brought into the fold, the rebellious nature still continues.
We continue to be self centered, self loving, hearing what our itching ears want to hear and doing thing which our selfish hearts want to do. Even though saved, we still behave as slaves.
We tend to forget the rescue act done by Jesus, shedding even the last drop of blood. We tend to choose to forget for our conveniences and comforts.
I am talking about the heart's attitude. The heart is the most deceitful of everything. The actual truth is we are all set free from this rut that we have fallen into. We were enslaved but we have been set free. And when the Son sets you free, you are free indeed. But do we continue in those ruts to gratify our comforts?
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