Expected to be a vineyard. It has become overgrown with thorns and briers. Expected to produce sweet grapes. It has produced bitter ones. Expected to be pruned and kept neat. It has become a wild place, indisciplined. Expected to seek God and love His righteousness. We have become self centered, self loving set of people.
Do we realize the gravity of the situation? Do we see it in God's viewpoint? How painstakingly He has sustained us? Yet He sees us drift away moment by moment by our choice. Though we have known Him, still we continue in our self centred lives. How painful it would be for God to see His own son/daughter choose against Him? Who chooses his/her own interest over God and His desires? God is in their hearts only to bless them; to guide them into a blessing. That all would be well for them. They would want to hear only things which their itching ears want to hear. They would do things which they would always want to do, no matter what. No sacrifice. No denying of self. No absolute trust in Him.
Oh! That we would blindly trust Him that He would do only things which are good for us. He will not let anything in our lives, which we cannot bear. That we wouldn't complain. But just trust in the overarching presence of God.
May we not be overgrown with the passions and desires of this world which are evil, which easily distracts us from Him.