My heart weeps for Moab
Moab is a country, that disturbed the children of Israel quiet often. A set of people born out of ridiculous priorities and absurd and bended truths. Lot's foolish choices gradually led his family farther and farther away from God and though they were saved miraculously by God's hands, his daughters had awkward thought processes and mindsets and that gave rise to the Moabites who troubled the Israelites as they came and resided in the promise land.
Supposed to be their cousins but troubled them day in and day out.
It is about these ridiculous set of people that God says - my heart weeps for Moab.
God's love is not for a set of people whom he has beforehand chosen - like the Israelites, like the Christians or even a sect of people within these communities. Yes definitely God loves them. But not them alone. His love to mankind in general is not something which can be considered silly.
God loves every single sinner. The key verse in the Bible starts with - For God so loved the world.
His love cannot be restricted to the act on the cross alone. Yes that is the epitome of His love. "There is no greater love than giving ones life to his friends."
His heart weeps for every soul that drifts away from Him, who rebels against Him and revel in those disgusting things which pains Him. All of those who turn their backs to Him trample His bleeding heart and walk off. These are His children, whom He has fashioned by His own hands, created in His own image. He weeps.
Yes you are special in God's eyes. So is the one whom you hate the most in the office, the most difficult neighbour, the most difficult child, the most irresponsible person at work. All of them are His beloved. Just like you. Just because they are difficult or irritating doesn't make Him hate them.
Love your neighbour as yourself, now becomes more significant.