Can a rod strike unless a hand moves it
The Assyrian King was an instrument used by God to establish justice on the godlessness of Israel. But as he conquered one kingdom after another he was filled with so much of pride that he boasts of his feats. Though godless himself, the Almighty uses him as an agent to inflict God's punishment.
But that doesn't make him immune. That doesn't let him escape God's judgement on himself. God is sovereign. He is infalliable and He reigns forever.
Pride goes before a fall. And as he is boastful he never remembers he is an instrument.
An axe has no greater power than the one who uses it
A saw is no greater than the user
A rod can strike only if the hand moves it
A cane cannot walk by itself.
How pathetic is our plight if we are not able to see God's hands in our lives. That we are not able to see that heavenly realm of things. But we are so myopic that we are able to see only the smaller picture where we are the heroes of our story.
My feats. My accolades. My degrees. My job. My kingdom.
Let us humble ourselves and ask God wisdom so that we would live our lives with God in the center.
ReplyDeleteThank u for bringing out the truth so powerfully Moses staff became Gods rod as he surrendered himself. May we humbly submit ourselves