I was in deep darkness. I have dwelt in this darkness like for eternity. I have enjoyed in this deep sullen darkness from the time I remember.
Light was uncomfortable to begin with. Because it exposes many things. It showed my ugliness. It showed my filthiness. But slowly light becomes something I liked. It showed more clarity. There was freedom in the light. There was deliverance. I realized I have been destined to live in the light and not in darkness. That I have more cones than rods.
But I was blinded by the darkness, that I thought I was made for darkness. Though I loathed it, it was eating me up. I was made a slave. But the moment light shone, there was a release, there was loosening up of all the chains. I could see the stumbling rocks that I frequently tripped at; that I can now be careful. I can now avoid.
But light cannot help; if I deliberately stumble, if I love to trip and fall. I have to trust the light. I have to realize that light is for my good. And darkness' cunning eyes are to steal, kill and destroy. Therefore I ought to run to the source of light and not linger here yet again. I love the light. Therefore I love the source. Because the source first loved me and decided to shine upon me.
In that source is my ultimate destiny, my future, where my whole being is finally made complete.
Engulfed. Immersed. Indulged.
The people who walk in darkness will see a great light
For those who live in a land of deep darkness a light will shine.
Image courtesy - Gollum in the Lord of the rings trilogy.