He isn't here. That was whatary Magdelene and the other Mary heard. The tomb was empty. They saw it with their own eyes. But where is He?
He isn't there. That was what the women told the disciples. Peter and the other disciples went and saw it with their own eyes and believed. But where is He?
He isn't there. The guards told the teachers. The teachers bribed them to tell anlie. But where is He?
Death has no dominion. No power over Him. For He knew no sin. Death is sin's consequence. So that is why He isn't there. He has won the victory over death.
So where is He? He resides back in the temple. In the tabernacle. Within the holy of holies.
But isn't our body the temple of God. Hence He has chosen to dwell with us. Among us. Within our hearts. Within our lives. But in those who give their life's dominion to Him. Slowly He claims reignship which is rightfully His.
Have you given the throne to Him?