Dear friend. Have you ever thought, why these setbacks are revisiting your life? One after the other why do they keep coming? Why do these disappointments recur in your life? At one point it might be physical. At one point emotional. At another point relational. Why?
Isa:9:13 After all this punishment, the people will still not repent
They will not seek the Lord of Heaven's Armies.
These are not punishments as you see it. Pain inflicting instruments that cringe you away from sin. Out of anger from a wrath filled God.
But these are caresses from an everloving and Holy Father who wants you to be holy as He is holy. Seeking Him always. As a placard.
So that you would escape from the eternal punishment of separation from God. Or casting out from His presence for eternity. Of hell.
For which the ultimate punishment has been borne on the cross by God Himself.