Out of the stump of David's family will grow a shoot
Yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root.
As we read this about 2700 years later we see the personification of the Branch in Jesus Christ. But as we read this chapter, there are glimpses of the future too.
In that day the Lord will reach out His hand a second time.
In that day the heir to David's throne will be a banner of salvation to all the world.
The millenial kingdom with the Prince of Peace on the throne....
Christian life is a life of hope. Hope of the things prophesied based on those prophesies which has come true already. Historically and obviously proven to have happened. Based on these facts, these truths we put our hope in future. We can be sure of what will happen.
We are not foolishly believing in a Eutopian ideology. But a truth based on facts.
Hope is the key to Christianity. Hope is based on faith and belief. Hope is based on love. Hope is based on the God who is love. Hope is truth. Hope is justice. Hope is eternity.
This is why I love the person behind it all. The Trinitarian God. The Master Weaver. The Almighty Father. The Righteous Son. The Eternal Holy Spirit.