The ultimate cause of man is to worship God. To look to God in dependence.
Not that God survives on man's dependence.
Nor does He pride in man's worship.
Man has been designed in God's own image.
Hence the likelihood or affinity to God.
Hence the desire for eternity.
Hence the longing for 'happily ever after'.
Yet rebellion wants to take a different route.
He longs for what is around. What he can see, saying, God is abstract.
But the truth is, what pertains to God and His attributes are the reality. That is his destination.
And what he sees around is abstract - the side tracts which are used to distract him by the enemy.
The enemy is set to fool him. Because his destiny is a surity.
Eternal hell. Eternal damnation.
It is out of hatred to mankind that he is set to distract him and turn him farther away from the purpose for which he is fashioned.
It's like a Porsche or a Ferrari being used for domestic activities. It would work. It would function. But wasted.
The realm man sees around is just a tip of the iceberg. In fact it's falsehood. What lies underneath is the reality, that what he is made for. His destiny.
The world wants to boast of your achievements. God hates the proud.
The world says, drink eat and be merry for tomorrow you will die. But God calls that man a fool.
The world says, money rules the system. God says, you cannot serve God and mammon.
The world says, live your life, prioritize your own self, live for yourself. God teaches about self denial.
The world says trample on others for success. God says, love your neighbour as yourself.
The standards of the world and the etiquettes of God are diametrically opposite. Realize and recognize your destiny. And set your life accordingly. Not to fool around. Not to make yourself a fool.