How you are fallen from heaven
O shining star, son of the morning
The shining star turned renegade.
The morning star turned his back on the source.
The son of morning is brought down to the place of the dead.
The one who shook the earth brought to the lowest depths.
All because he thought he will. All because of "I will"
Because he thought he could climb higher up
Because he thought he can trample others and belittle the Almighty.
First he thought he could. Then he said he will.
Whether this is about the Babylonian king which was later proven to be true or about Lucifer, the root cause is all about pride and it will be brought low for sure.
Ambitions are good. Plans are wonderful. But not as high as God.
James:4:15 Instead you ought to say, " If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that. "
None of your arbitraries are greater. Not even your greatest ambition. No matter how holy it sounds. Does it go above the God of heavenly armies. Am I able to surrender my desire to God's hand and say, "Even if He doesn't...... "
Being ambitious in life is good. It gives you a purpose. It helps you to focus. And doing so much for God is even better. But more than what your hands would do, He looks at your heart.
A heart and mind that is dependant on Him.
Loving Him and longing for Him.
Seeking Him and submissive to Him.
A love relationship is what He has always desired. Where you would choose Him over everything. Even if it is the most desirous thing of your heart.
Being a man or a woman after God's own heart.
Walking with Him in the cool of the day. Holding His hands and enjoying Him and indulging in His love.
That is the good and pleasing and perfect will for you, O dear one.