My life passes swiftly as the evening shadows
I am whithering away like grass.
Have we thought of the futility of our life? Considering the hope of eternity.
Yet we live with utmost importance to this futile life forgetting what is more important. Nullifying the relevance of living with an eternal perspective. Blindfolding ourselves we fool ourselves.
But you O Lord will sit on your throne forever
Your fame will endure to every generation.
The everlasting God, the eternal Father vs the futile man. Aren't we fools who pursue the temporal things, temporal desires in contrast to seeking the will of God who is everlasting to everlasting.
Let us change our perspective. Let us focus on God's heart, His values, His standards and His etiquettes.
Ps:90:12 Teach us to realize the brevity of life
So that we may grow in wisdom