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Showing posts from April, 2023

What is your destiny?

The ultimate cause of man is to worship God. To look to God in dependence.  Not that God survives on man's dependence.  Nor does He pride in man's worship.  Man has been designed in God's own image.  Hence the likelihood or affinity to God.  Hence the desire for eternity.  Hence the longing for 'happily ever after'.  Yet rebellion wants to take a different route.  He longs for what is around. What he can see, saying, God is abstract.  But the truth is, what pertains to God and His attributes are the reality. That is his destination.  And what he sees around is abstract - the side tracts which are used to distract him by the enemy.  The enemy is set to fool him. Because his destiny is a surity.  Eternal hell. Eternal damnation.  It is out of hatred to mankind that he is set to distract him and turn him farther away from the purpose for which he is fashioned.  It's like a Porsche or a Ferrari being used for ...


Isa:16:6 We have heard about the proud Moab About it's pride and arrogance and rage But all that boasting has disappeared.  Pride is the root cause of all sin  Selfishness, self centredness, self indulgence, self importance all are a result of pride.  Pride leads to arrogance.  Pride leads to rude demeanor.  Rage and anger.  It leads to boasting and belittling others.  Self indulgence leads to all sinful pleasures, you want to enjoy (even secretly)  Selfishness leads to wanting everything for my own sake.  It would always want to protect yourself.  It was pride that led to the sin in Eden, Cain killing Abel, Saul's downfall, Solomon's drifting away, Israel's fallenness, Judas Iscariot's betrayal, Peter's denial, the teachers of the law crucifying Jesus. Pride is the cause of your own rebellion as well.  PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL.  When we realize this truth of pride in our lives, can we put it aside humble ourselves ...


My heart weeps for Moab Isa:15:5 Moab is a country, that disturbed the children of Israel quiet often. A set of people born out of ridiculous priorities and absurd and bended truths. Lot's foolish choices gradually led his family farther and farther away from God and though they were saved miraculously by God's hands, his daughters had awkward thought processes and mindsets and that gave rise to the Moabites who troubled the Israelites as they came and resided in the promise land.  Supposed to be their cousins but troubled them day in and day out.  It is about these ridiculous set of people that God says - my heart weeps for Moab.  God's love is not for a set of people whom he has beforehand chosen - like the Israelites, like the Christians or even a sect of people within these communities. Yes definitely God loves them. But not them alone. His love to mankind in general is not something which can be considered silly.  God loves every single sinner. The k...


Ps:102:11 My life passes swiftly as the evening shadows I am whithering away like grass.  Have we thought of the futility of our life? Considering the hope of eternity.  Yet we live with utmost importance to this futile life forgetting what is more important. Nullifying the relevance of living with an eternal perspective. Blindfolding ourselves we fool ourselves.  Ps:102:12 But you O Lord will sit on your throne forever Your fame will endure to every generation.  The everlasting God, the eternal Father vs the futile man. Aren't we fools who pursue the temporal things, temporal desires in contrast to seeking the will of God who is everlasting to everlasting.  Let us change our perspective. Let us focus on God's heart, His values, His standards and His etiquettes.  Ps:90:12 Teach us to realize the brevity of life So that we may grow in wisdom

I will

Isa:14:12 How you are fallen from heaven O shining star, son of the morning The shining star turned renegade.  The morning star turned his back on the source.  The son of morning is brought down to the place of the dead.  The one who shook the earth brought to the lowest depths.  All because he thought he will. All because of "I will" Because he thought he could climb higher up Because he thought he can trample others and belittle the Almighty. First he thought he could. Then he said he will.  Whether this is about the Babylonian king which was later proven to be true or about Lucifer, the root cause is all about pride and it will be brought low for sure.  Ambitions are good. Plans are wonderful. But not as high as God.  James:4:15 Instead you ought to say, " If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that. " None of your arbitraries are greater. Not even your greatest ambition. No matter how holy it sounds. Does it go above the God of ...


What is integrity?  The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.  To be the same every where.  And it starts at home.  Ps:101:2 I will lead a life of integrity in my own home.  To be the same to your subordinates as well as your children. To be the same to your colleagues as to your family. To be that man or woman of substance everywhere.  - To not look at anything vile and vulgar - To hate all who deal crookedly - To reject perverse ideas - To stay away from evil - To not tolerate people who slander neighbors - To not endure conceit and pride - To search for faithful people as companions - To not allow deceivers to serve my house - To not allow liars to stay in my presence.  Have I been entertaining few of these? Just for a few moments? Just for the fun of it? Have I been consistent? If we dwindle, if we compromise then there is no integrity.  The God we follow is a God of integrity. He is faithful. He is truthful....

Walk - Poem

Soles have become callous Out of the wounds that caused As an outcome of walking in the narrow path The difficult ground The hard ground is painful to walk barefooted Wounds hurt; When it bleeds, it pains But in the long run, scars peotexts They prevent further wounds.  It might be difficult to walk barefooted But each time you see the wound on your sole Look ahead the example that went before Not just His sole: His entire body is bleeding Not because of the thorns and bristles on the path Yet because of the stones that hurt us We hurled it at Him in resentment.  He bore it all; that you could walk normally By His wounds, Shoes have been provided Everything you complain, your Lord bore it all With arms open wide. With a loving face He bore it all, so that you could ve His Invites you to the Highway of Holiness Set for us in the Eternal Home.  He trod this path to take us home.  There your soles are protected Absolutely prevented from its presence Eternal ...


Isa:12:1 I will praise you Lord Although you were angry with me Your anger has turned away And you have comforted me.  I was subject to God's wrath, because of my sin and rebellion. My future was eternal separation from God in the dark and fiery dungeons of hell. God was thoroughly angry with me because of my sin. His justice rightly would punish me. Because He being holy expected me to be holy. But out of my inherant nature and because of my choice I decided to walk away from Him. And He is right in doing that.  But God so loved me, that He sent His only Son for me, that if I believe in Him, I shall not perish, but have eternal life.  Though He was angry, He was so filled with love. Though He is a righteous judge, He is a loving Father as well. And therefore He bore it all on Himself. He suffered the punishment all on Himself in order to offer me the salvation. In order to save me.  He is my salvation.  He has become my salvation (v:2)  And the...


Isa:11:1 Out of the stump of David's family will grow a shoot Yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root.  As we read this about 2700 years later we see the personification of the Branch in Jesus Christ. But as we read this chapter, there are glimpses of the future too.  In that day the Lord will reach out His hand a second time.  In that day the heir to David's throne will be a banner of salvation to all the world.  The millenial kingdom with the Prince of Peace on the throne....  Christian life is a life of hope. Hope of the things prophesied based on those prophesies which has come true already. Historically and obviously proven to have happened. Based on these facts, these truths we put our hope in future. We can be sure of what will happen.  We are not foolishly believing in a Eutopian ideology. But a truth based on facts.  Hope is the key to Christianity. Hope is based on faith and belief. Hope is based on love. Hope is based o...

The Remnant - A short poem

Isa:10:21 A remnant will return Lord let a remnant return Let me be included in that remnant Though we have disappointed and deserted you You have promised that a remnant will return.  Lord let that remnant remain in me always Let there be that Godliness in me always So that no matter how much I've gone farther away Let this remnant pull me back to you Lord let me be that remnant To bring others back to you This sinful and vice generation of which I'm part of Needs remnants to point to God. 


Can a rod strike unless a hand moves it Isa:10:15 The Assyrian King was an instrument used by God to establish justice on the godlessness of Israel. But as he conquered one kingdom after another he was filled with so much of pride that he boasts of his feats. Though godless himself, the Almighty uses him as an agent to inflict God's punishment.  But that doesn't make him immune. That doesn't let him escape God's judgement on himself. God is sovereign. He is infalliable and He reigns forever.  Pride goes before a fall. And as he is boastful he never remembers he is an instrument.  An axe has no greater power than the one who uses it A saw is no greater than the user A rod can strike only if the hand moves it A cane cannot walk by itself.  How pathetic is our plight if we are not able to see God's hands in our lives. That we are not able to see that heavenly realm of things. But we are so myopic that we are able to see only the smaller picture where we are...


Dear friend. Have you ever thought, why these  setbacks are revisiting your life? One after the other why do they keep coming? Why do these disappointments recur in your life? At one point it might be physical. At one point emotional. At another point relational. Why?  Isa:9:13 After all this punishment, the people will still not repent They will not seek the Lord of Heaven's Armies.  These are not punishments as you see it. Pain inflicting instruments that cringe you away from sin. Out of anger from a wrath filled God.  But these are caresses from an everloving and Holy Father who wants you to be holy as He is holy. Seeking Him always. As a placard.  So that you would escape from the eternal punishment of separation from God. Or casting out from His presence for eternity. Of hell.  For which the ultimate punishment has been borne on the cross by God Himself. 

He isn't here

He isn't here. That was whatary Magdelene and the other Mary heard. The tomb was empty. They saw it with their own eyes. But where is He?  He isn't there. That was what the women told the disciples. Peter and the other disciples went and saw it with their own eyes and believed. But where is He?  He isn't there. The guards told the teachers. The teachers bribed them to tell anlie. But where is He?  Death has no dominion. No power over Him. For He knew no sin. Death is sin's consequence. So that is why He isn't there. He has won the victory over death.  So where is He? He resides back in the temple. In the tabernacle. Within the holy of holies.  But isn't our body the temple of God. Hence He has chosen to dwell with us. Among us. Within our hearts. Within our lives. But in those who give their life's dominion to Him. Slowly He claims reignship which is rightfully His.  Have you given the throne to Him? 

Rejoice, rejoice - poem

They will rejoice before you. Isa:9:3 The yoke of slavery has been broken Freedom has been granted The heavy burden lifted The oppressor's rod is broken The war is over.  Rejoice. Rejoice A child is born A Son is given The Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God.  Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  His peace will never end.  All because of the passionate commitment of the Lord All because of His unending love to me.  Rejoice. Rejoice.  If God is for me, who can be against me If God is on my side, then why fear Lost I was. Rebel I was.  Helpless I was. Enemy I was.  But He came down to rescue From my rebellion. From my slavery.  Rejoice. Rejoice.  All things work for good for me He will carry it on to completion He has plans to prosper Nothing is too hard for my Father And I can do all things through Him.  Rejoice. Rejoice. 

There is hope - short story

I am tired; I am fed up John.  The whole day I was running around. Starting from Gethsamene. Previous night also I couldn't sleep. But if at all I had known what is our plight twenty four hours down the line, I would have been awake to sit and pray. If at all I knew my master was perspiring blood there in agony, I would have rushed to help. Let my sleepiness and laziness be doomed, Peter wailed.  John said, We all have failed him, Peter. None of us were with him when it was expected of us.  James pitched in, Ah! At least you were there at the foot of the cross, John. At least the Rabbi could see you being entrusted with his mother. I do not know how on earth she is surviving. The trauma that she had to go through in her life, no body can even dream of it.  Simon says, (after all he was a Zealot) If at all that traitor, Judas was alive, I would have beaten him to death. How could he do this to him, to us? What wrong did Jesus do to him? Even the money purs...

The journey - a short story

I was in deep darkness. I have dwelt in this darkness like for eternity. I have enjoyed in this deep sullen darkness from the time I remember.  Light was uncomfortable to begin with. Because it exposes many things. It showed my ugliness. It showed my filthiness. But slowly light becomes something I liked. It showed more clarity. There was freedom in the light. There was deliverance. I realized I have been destined to live in the light and not in darkness. That I have more cones than rods.  But I was blinded by the darkness, that I thought I was made for darkness. Though I loathed it, it was eating me up. I was made a slave. But the moment light shone, there was a release, there was loosening up of all the chains. I could see the stumbling rocks that I frequently tripped at; that I can now be careful. I can now avoid.  But light cannot help; if I deliberately stumble, if I love to trip and fall. I have to trust the light. I have to realize that light is for my ...

Short lived

Isa:9:1 Nevertheless that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever.  Darkness too is short lasting. It looks scary. It might seem to go on forever. But the moment a streak of light comes, darkness disappears.  So is lie. The moment it is exposed, lie vanishes. Truth always triumphs over lie.  So is despair. It might seem unending. But the moment the peace that comes from above over rules it; it disappears.  The issue with problems and disappointments is this. It might seem unending and eternal. But the truth is, it is short lived like the mayflies. God triumphs.  May be you are going through the toughest times of your life. Hope looks far away. The glimmer looks unlikely. But know that it is just a passing phase. This is temporary. This time of darkness will not go on forever. This too will pass and the Lord will heal.  The greatest hope we have is the deliverance from the yoke of sin, by the gruesome death my God sufferred on the cro...

Gentle flowing water - a prose

Isa:8:6 My care for people of Judah is like the gently flowing waters of Shiloah.  Tender loving care of God. I have placed you in my palms.  You are my signet ring, He says.  His love encompasses and engulfs you. How soothing it is to be indulged in His care.  All over you. Underneath you. All around you.  But you have rejected it. You are more concerned about momentary deliverances.  As long as the trouble is there, you think about God.  You stay close to Him.  But when all is well, you forget His presence.  Once the problem is solved, you don't even wait to utter a thanks.  You take Him for granted.  As if you deserved it, or you attribute it to luck Why do you forget His attributes?  Why there is no consistency in your following your leader?  Where is your reflection?  The Holy One; the Infalliable One:- Where is your holiness? Why do you still love sin?  The Eternal One; The Almighty and All Powe...

Sign significant

It is a sign for King Ahaz, king of Judah who was petrified because the king of Aram and king of Israel have united to fight against him. Ahaz was not a good king who did evil in the eyes of the Lord. But the Lord out of his covenant promise to David, vows to protect Judah. God asks Ahaz to demand for a sign, the most difficult, the most improbable one. Ahaz for his own reasons doesn't comply.  Then God Himself says -  Isa:7:14 The Lord Himself will give you a sign. Look the virgin will conceive a child. She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel which means God is with us.  V:16 For before the child is old, the lands of the two kings you fear so much will be deserted.  The most improbable sign is fulfilled years later in Jesus Christ, when Mary asked - But how can this happen? I am a virgin.  The only valid sign, the only relevant sign is Jesus. Luke:11:30 What happened to him (Jonah) was a sign to the people of Nineveh that God has sen...