A man happens to find a treasure hidden in the field. Sometimes the kingdom of heaven comes to you just like that. Without you searching for it. But nothing comes accidentally in God's viewpoint. He has seen you even before He laid the foundation of the earth.
Isa:65:1 Malayalam transliteration says - I will be found by them even if they do not search for me.
What an amazing God?
While we were still His enemies, He made us friends.
While we were still sinners.
While we were still rebels.
Kingdom of heaven is also available to the one who searches for fine pearls. If you search for truth, you will find it. Seek God and His righteousness first. And He will give. Solomon asked for wisdom. God gave.
But once you get it. How do you value it? As it is the most important treasure? More important than anything else you possess? How well do you nourish the treasure you have got? How do you spend time to learn the standards of this kingdom, the attributes of this king.
Is it like the biggest treasure that you have come across? Other things are of absolutely no value. All the others entertainments and accolades and achievements are zero as compared to this.
May God enable.
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