I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.
Jesus quotes from Hos:6:6, in conjunction with what He was saying in Matt:5:7, in the sermon on the mount. About being merciful. Not just a sympathy or feeling sorry. But putting yourself in their shoes and identifying them inside their skin. He is talking about that 'chesed'mercy. To show even a glimpse of that which He showed on the cross.
Not a mere consideration. But to see the others in the context they are doing and showing compassion. If we do that we wouldn't be the first to judge them. We wouldn't be the first to point fingers at them. We would be knowing that our fights are not against flesh and blood but against the principalities of this world.
Then we would be more considerate and compassionate. We would kneel down for them more and love them more seeing their plight. Rather than finding fault with them and judging them.
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