If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine, or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine.
Who would put your love to your family and love to your God and measure? No one can. And therefore how would you know?
When it comes to decision making, whether you would compromise your time with God over spending time with them? How would you make decisions for your children? How would you help them take decisions? Are you more of a pro-worker or a pro-prayer regarding your family? Despite your business do you find time to be with God? Not as a ritual. Not as a responsibility to ministry. Do you eagerly wait and find time to be with Him?
Do you compromise on family prayers, quiet times and attending meetings because you have other commitments?
Where are your thoughts centered around? God cannot be your number one priority. He has to be your only priority. That is how you make Him the centre of your life and keeping all others in the periphery.
You cannot bring these peripheral things into the centre. All that you do, all that you want to do, all that you desire to do would be revolving around what you have kept in the centre.
So your decision makings are dependant around whom you have kept on the centre. Let seeking God, the desire to dwell in His presence rule everything in your heart. So that His presence alone will guide you. The fullness of joy will rule over your heart despite all troubles. He alone will be the driving force of all your decisions.
Image credit: https://www.quora.com/Do-concentric-unit-circles-have-the-same-equation
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