Matt:10:31. You are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.
A sparrow that falls to the ground. Hairs on your head.
If those insignificant things are in the hands of God.
How much more will He take care of things with more value?
As your life. As your soul. So do not be afraid.
He who has made you His son and daughter.
Will He not take care of your needs
A sparrow doesn't fret. Neither do the flowers that fade away.
Then why do we? Probably we don't know their God as close yet!
Let this be our dream and passion and the thing that we live for
That I will seek Him and Him alone. His face alone I desire
If not, I fret. If my eyes are off His beautiful face
I worry like all the unbelievers do.
He who created the Heavens and the earth
He who fashioned you in your mother's womb
He who chose you and saw you before even time began
He who loves you eternally. Will He not take care?
The one thing I ask of the Lord. The thing that I seek the most.
Is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.
Delighting in the Lord's perfecrions and meditating in His temple.
Let this be my prayer like David.
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