How would you feel if after all the heavy input that you have given and the hard work you have done, the credit goes to someone else. It would be hurting and demeaning right? You deserved the appreciation, but all went to someone else who wasn't even in the picture.
Even worse, Jesus would have felt, when He cast out demons, they were attributing it to satan instead of God's Spirit. A created being instead of the Creator Himself. The sworn in archenemy of God. A worthless being in comparison to the Almighty. How disappointing?
God is not willing to share His glory with anyone else or anything else. Not because He is selfish or possessive. But because He alone is worthy. If it is given to any created being, even man, even yourself, it is disappointing. Glory belongs to God alone. Doing things for your own pride is like taking God's glory.
How often have we done things and basked in the glory and appreciation that we would receive. We would say 'glory to God' like giving a portion to Him and indulge and bask in the major chunk of it. How disappointing?
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