It was those fish who were caught up in the net that were sorted out. From that, the good were chosen and the bad were thrown out.
There were other fish in the sea which were not caught. They are still in the sea. But those that were caught in the net, out of which the bad ones were thrown away. Those which show an affinity to the Gospel and still do not feel the need of a Saviour, who trusts on other means to save themselves, or those who do not pay much heed to it, are the ones who will be thrown away.
For salvation, putting your trust in Jesus and receiving Him into your life is mandatory. No amount of church going, or word hearing will save you. When God looks at the fish, He looks not whether you are in the net or not. He only looks whether you are good or not. No one is good. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Only the righteousness which He imparts and imputes will make you good.
Those that reject Christ and are in the sea are on their way to eternal damnation. So is a 'Christian' who has not had a personal relationship with Jesus.
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