But what comes out of his mouth that is what makes him unclean.
The words that comes out of your mouth, particularly shows whether you are clean or unclean. These words are powered by what you feed and in turn what is in your heart. From the overflowing of your heart comes what you say or what you do.
Did we glorify God or defame God yesterday with our words? Claiming to be children of God, we have told words of faithlessness and unfaithfulness and anger and dissension and frustration.
Words of faith come from and ever trusting heart and faith is the only thing that pleases God.
If He has promised He will not leave you; that He will make everything for your good and that He will carry it on to completion; then He will do it for sure. Only if we believe it will we say words of faith and assurance. Otherwise our words will continue to be that of doubt and complaints and dissatisfaction.
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