Finishing is better than starting Eccl:7:8
To start enthusiastically something is challenging. But motivational and encouraging. It involves courage and boldness. It is emulatable. But many of these enthusiasts who start well do not have the patience to finish it off. Plan well ahead to finish things off well too. Set aside all your pride and trust in the everpresent help.
Phil:1:6 He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of coming of Christ Jesus.
Yes it is said about establishing your faith in your heart. It also touches upon God's plans for you. Finding out God's plans for you is the key to starting well and finishing well. Those are the plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
Do you get bored of His good and perfect will for you? Do you stop doing the things that you have been called to do because you don't feel like doing it? Have you lost interest in the things which you were sure once, that God had asked you to do? It might look insignificant like cleaning or arranging the chairs before the meeting or inviting people or praying for others (which no one would notice or acknowledge).
Consistency is the key to finish well.
Discipline is the mantra.
Determination is what is needed.
Self control is mandatory.
If you lack any of these (almost all of them I lack) pray that He would teach you. He would enable.
Luke:9:62 No one who puts his hand on the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God.
Such is the harsh words of Jesus.
What is it that God convinced you to do 5 or 2 years back? Are you consistently doing it now? Or have you wavered from the path?
The Lord asks us to be consistent. To finish the race well. You might not be as swift or as effective as your brother, nor as eloquent as your sister. But the Lord loves an undistracted heart which only looks at the Father's heart, wanting to do what He wants. To be consistent. To finish well.
May the Lord strengthen.