Job:42:8 My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer on your behalf.
When you are going through a trial; what do you pray, if at all you pray? You would pray for deliverance or you would pray for strength for facing this difficult time. Or you would be praying with eyes set on hope for your future.
When you are in the midst of trouble, all you do is to pray for yourself. You become so self centred. People like me often are so self centred that I forget to pray for others even when things go fine forgetting they are in deeper trouble.
Pray for your friend's salvation.
Pray for the widows and orphans you know.
Pray for children who would be given wisdom as they trod in this world.
Pray for healing of sick.
Pray for ministers around the globe who, forsook all their comforts to bring the word to people.
Pray for others you know who needs prayer. In the midst of your trouble time.
Job did not wait for his problems to be solved in order to take up the responsibility to intercede for his friends. And that is the difference you can make dear one. His prayers on his friends' behalf was accepted by the Almighty while he was in the midst of suffering.