Is God far away?
Or does He seem so?
Has many of your 'unanswered prayers"
Made you feel that He doesn't care?
Like Job (believe me; he has suffered more)
Do you feel God is playing games?
Do you often pray, "Lord increase my faith,
For I want to taste you more."
Increasing of faith; doesn't often happen just like that
It happens through situations
It happens as you go through difficult times
May be a difficult person at work
May be a non healing ulcer
A thorn in the flesh is to be there
In order to learn that 'His grace is enough'
Without which you would only have heard of Him
All the blessings; all the "good things in life"
Would only enable you to taste Him superficially
But it is the testing times that enable you to see Him
As you face those difficulties; He is close enough.
That you are enabled to see Him
For mankind is inherently myopic
That he can see only what is held close.
I don't know what you are going through dear one
May be you still have not got answers yet.
But these times; embrace Him
For He is all the more close.
Open your eyes and see Him.
Not that He had gone far away before.
But your eyes are opened that you could see Him.
Job:42:5 I had only heard about you before.
But now I have seen you with my eyes.