What is the most important priority in your life?
What is it that you live for? Or rather you would die for?
What is the dream that you want to see happen through your life.
The most important thing.
For Hannah it was to have a child.
To a little extent may be Abraham's desire was to have a son too.
For Lot's daughters too it was to preserve their lineage.
For John the Baptist it was - I should decrease, He should increase.
For Paul it was to reach out to the Gentiles, with good news.
The one desire. How do you want to achieve it.
By hook or by crook (like Lot's daughters or like Jacob) or wait patiently (like Joseph). Proactively doing for the Lord forsaking everything else (like Paul) or being complaisant and lazy (like Peter when he went to fish)
Do you have anumero uno desire for the Lord? Or is it self oriented?
Is it God's plan, God's heart's desire that you want to see fulfilled in and through your life. Or is it my desire my future?
What do you want to do with your life? And why do you want to do it? The latter is more significant and imperative.
It checks your motive. It puts a check on your self orientedness rather than being God oriented.
May the Lord help us to have God's desires. What God has in His heart, let it ache us. Let it rob us of our sleeps. Do we think about it all the times of our lives and then do for Him? Let us be overburdened by it and move and do and think proactively for that desire alone. Let us be restless thinking of God's heart. Let us be like David who wanted to build a temple for God, seeing that he was in palaces and God is in tents. Let us prioritize our lives in accordance with God's heart.