Esau held a grudge against Jacob (Gen:27:14)
Isaac called for Jacob and blessed him (Gen:28:1)
The striking contrast. Both were sinned against and cheated by Jacob. But Esau held it in his heart. Isaac chose to forgive. In fact Isaac blesses him more.
Why do you think, Esau couldn't forgive (at least initially) and Isaac could?
Isaac loved Jacob.
Isaac knew the promise of God.
Isaac knew he was forgiven too.
Can we be loving to each other, keeping our eyes on God's promises and looking back how God forgave us and be forgiving to each other? There is more to life than feeding our minds with grudges that will eat us up and finish us off, of the abundant life that God has promised.
It might not be grudge as severe as Esau's like wanting to kill his brother.
"Oh! That particular person, he is so difficult to live with. Very difficult to love. So I will just stay away"
"Oh! That kind of a person I will never be. I will never do that if I were in his shoes"
"Why are they behaving like this? Don't they think? Is not the Spirit pricking their conscience? "
Instead of judging them, can we be compassionate to them?
Love covers a multitude of sins.
Our own children, our spouses. Our friends, our distant relatives. That difficult person to work with in the office. That difficult customer. Can we be compassionate to them rather than pushing them off?