Oh! Everyone is good at something. There is some talent hidden somewhere. Some secret good qualities that you will discover along the way.
Somewhere your purpose will be fulfilled. What you are called for, you will find out and then the world will know you.
Jer:13:7 The loincloth was good for nothing.
Rotten and falling apart, it has become useless. When the world sees you, oh! there is huge potential and talent. Oh! You are doing something great which no one else is doing.
But God looks at you and says, you are good for nothing. The sin in mankind is so massive that all our righteous deeds are like filthy rags. All our inner motives are marred with sin. Good for nothing.
But there is hope if you repent and return back to the Almighty. Only if you return, there is hope. You become the dress of honour if you will decide to return.