The sin of Jidah is inscribed with an iron chisel.
Engraved with a diamond point on their stony hearts.
Oh! Sin is a part of you. Inscribed into your nature. Engraved. Because of fallenness. In sin. I was conceived in my mother's womb. Your natural tendency is to sin. To rebel.
But lo! There is hope. You have been given the privilege not to sin. To think outside the box. To be outside the rut. Only if you want to. Only if you choose to.
From sin engraved in your stony heart, you move to being engraved in His wounded hands. This is the previous salvation given freely on the cross. To enable you to hear, son, your sins are forgiven. All your fallenness, your engraven nature is done and dusted with. Now it's upto you to deal with your everyday sins. To repent and renounce, one at a time, as the Spirit reveals. May the Lord enable.
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