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Showing posts from January, 2023


Finishing is better than starting   Eccl:7:8 To start enthusiastically something is challenging. But motivational and encouraging. It involves courage and boldness. It is emulatable. But many of these enthusiasts who start well do not have the patience to finish it off. Plan well ahead to finish things off well too. Set aside all your pride and trust in the everpresent help.  Phil:1:6 He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of coming of Christ Jesus.  Yes it is said about establishing your faith in your heart. It also touches upon God's plans for you. Finding out God's plans for you is the key to starting well and finishing well. Those are the plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Do you get bored of His good and perfect will for you? Do you stop doing the things that you have been called to do because you don't feel like doing it? Have you lost interest in the things which you were sure once, that God had as...


Eccl:7:5 It is better to heed a wise man's rebuke Than to listen to the song of the fools.  It is often hard to take correction. We often keep a distance from people who criticize.  I am not talking about people who always want to find fault. These are genuine people who wants the better of you. People who genuinely love you. Who finds something not right in you and points it out.  The moment our wrongdoing is exposed - we get restless, we justify, we defend and ultimately we resist and avoid.  But we enjoy the songs of the fools. We love the company of those who always appreciate. We say words of appreciation is our love language, in want of acknowledgement. We love their company, because they never criticize.  But genuine love wants you to correct; especially if there is God in the relation. Genuine love has the freedom to tell you that you are wrong. Genuine love has the wisdom to show you the option to rectify where as superficial love pats you o...

I want to be like him.

Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don’t have.  Ecclesiastes 6:9  Man's nature is to complain about what he does not have. Look into the other's plate and and be envious. Lack of contentment with what we have even though it is a little.  I want to be like them. I deserve to be like them. This happens when we forget that what is best for me my Father will give me. He knows what I need, even when I do not deserve it.  It is because of mistrust. It is about lack of understanding His love. This is like your child asking someone else something, before he asks you. It is about lack of confidence.  It is your prerogative to approach the throne of grace with confidence. He is your dad. But we tend to forget that there are greater things which He wants to bless with. And are we crying for silly futile things? 

Contentment is a choice

  Yet he would have had more peace than in growing up to be an unhappy man. He might live a thousand years twice over but still not find contentment. And since he must die like everyone else—well, what’s the use? Ecclesiastes 6:5‭-‬6 An unhappy man is very difficult to live with. A discontented man creates trouble  always.  If there is a grateful smile on the others face, it erases all negativity even though you live with nothing.  Face everything with a smile on your face, that's how you deal with negativism. When things are upside down all we need is to have a thankful heart, for what we have received. Because we have received more than what we deserve. An attitude of gratitude is what we need to cultivate. Always thankful, especially in times of discouragement, let us switch on to purposefully look unto the healing, delivering, providing Almighty.  For all things God works for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Rom:8:28. A Go...


Eccl:5:18-20 Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to accept their lot in life. And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life - this is indeed a gift from God. God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time to brood over the past.  The ability to work.  The privilege to enjoy work.  To accept your lot in life.  Not to be greedy.  Not to brood over the past.  To enjoy your life as it is given....  It is indeed a gift


India declared itself a republic about two and half years after it gained independence.  In 1947, there was freedom at midnight. All were in honeymoon period. Everyone was enjoying the freedom and the in-dependance from the monarchy that they earned. (Rather received.) There was no more bondage. There was no answerability to the queen and lords.  What was rightfully ours we can claim and use it for our own benefit now. There is an about turn in the course of an Indian's life.  But there needed to be discipline. The law and order had to be formulated. The Constitution had to be worked out. India had to work out how to run the show by themselves. Order had to be maintained. Though it was the British who was running everything, now we had to figure it out by ourselves. We have to face the heat. But own up and do it responsibility. Thus India declared itself a Republic on this very day in 1950. Christian living is also like this. From the clutches of the devil we ...

Fear God

Fear God instead  Eccl:5:7 That is essence of it all. Fear of God. A God fearing attitude and God orientedness in all the walks of your life.  The innate feeling of God is watching 24*7 That God is listening to every words that you speak.  Every thought that you entertain in your mind.  If that be case, then there is healing in every aspect of your life. He is not a hard taskmaster who would want to wrench things out of you because of fear. But a loving tender hearted Father who would want the best to come out of you.  Fear of not punishment. But a fear out of love. Fear out of realizing His love for you.  Jesus lived in that fear. Nothing He needed to fear because He pleased His Father always. His Father was always in  communication with Him. That Father-Son relationship is the fear of the Lord. It is the true beginning to be wise.  Lord I want to live in that God orientedness, that fear of the Lord always. All things that i think, al...

Blah Blah Blah

Talk is cheap..... fear God instead. Eccl:5:7 What is the use of empty meaningless words? Words to comfort without touching the heart. Words of advise without practically applying. Words of direction without any meaning.  Talk what you mean only. It is better to listen than to speak. But man is full of solutions. He is the inherant problem solver. He wants to solve things not just for himself. But also for others.  Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters. You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. James:1:9. It requires patience to keep quiet and listen. It requires wisdom. It requires preparation in the presence of God in order to open your mouth at the right time and keept it shut at the right time. 


Eccl:5:1 It is evil to make mindless offerings to God.  Is my relation with God realistic? He is God who yearns for a true and indepth heart to heart relation with you. Not like a helpless lonely person longing for a friendship. But because He is rich in love and has plans to prosper.  Fear of punishment brings superficiality. Where as love brings solid relationship. It is conventionalism that brings pefunctory mindless formal religiosity, which in itself is good. But not the best.  A man after my own heart. That is His desire for you.  When was the last time you talked to Him as to your friend expressing your whole heart? When was the last time you knelt down?  When was the last time you listened to Him?  When was the last time you rested in His bosom? 

Yaari.... Dosthi... Suhruth.... Nanpan.....Friendship

A triple braided cord cannot be easily broken - Eccl:4:12 Companionship and support is a blessing. Friendship and holding each other's back is exceptional. Holding on to each other lest they should fall is good.  It is indeed a blessing to have a true friend. A friend is need is a friend indeed.  Lack of having someone through thick and thin is something dreadful. Being alone in this busy world is dreary.  Yes having a friend is essential, says the Qoholeth. But better is a three-braided cord.  Friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them -Michael W. Smith No other relationship other than a God centred one would be beneficial. Just like man's sole purpose of life is fellowship, so is any friendship's. Unless you have God as the back bone of it, it is useless.  And for those who do not have friends - this is something which the bard learnt years ago, but still holds true. That Jesus is a faithful friend. Yes indeed He is God, He is the ...


Eccl:4:4 Then I observed that most people are motivated to success because they envy their neighbours.  Motivation to success is envy to others. You look at other's platter and that prompts you to perform better. You tend to think you deserve better. You are ambitious and desirous. Why?  Also because of the status and recognition you would enjoy in life. The position in society. The desire to be loved. Better than your neighbour or atleast like him.  Even if it is not envy, man's nature is so fallen  that he is so filled with self love that prompts him to do everything he desires. Self love and appreciation from others derived from comparison with others is the root cause of all mankind's motivation. If these are the driving force, it is like chasing the wind. It is meaningless and useless, according to the Qoholeth.  What motivates you to do the things you want to do in life? Time to ponder. 


Eccl:3:11b He has set eternity in the hearts of men. Yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  Though man is finite and not able to decipher God's infinite nature and eternality - God has placed in him a desire for eternity. That is why fairy tales often end with 'happily ever after', people rush to hospitals for fear of death, because man has a desire to live longer (at least to extent his life).  But why should I long to live in this world which is filled with suffering and imperfections and more longings? God has planted in us a desire to live for eternity with Him. Eternity is living in the presence of God even now. Living life to the fullest as He desires, not something in the future, in heaven where there are gold streets, studded with precious jewels and other riches.  Can we live with this renewed sense of eternity every moment of our life? 


God has made everything beautiful for its own time.  Eccl:3:11 In His time. He works all things beautiful. He makes all things beautiful.  Whatever happens - in His time, all things are beautiful. Because God is the master weaver.  Not only beautiful - but He works all things out for our good.  What is the point of getting frustrated and disappointed when things do not go the way you've wanted.  He weaves beautifully.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. Pro:3:5 He paints elegantly. He has got the big picture.  He crafts diligently. Though it might seem painful as He chistles. Something beautiful is coming out.  Trust is what you can do. Know that He is good. 

Pleasure is dismal

Eccl:2:1-11 At first the Qoholeth concludes that knowledge and wisdom is uselss, like chasing the wind. Later he goes on to pleasure. He tried all sorts of enjoymemts, that which make you laugh, wine which he concludes as clutching on to foolishness in the midst of wisdom, engaging himself with building for himself mansions and gardens, bought slaves, owned herds and flocks, wealth, listening to music, lust and sex.  "I had everything a man could desire. " "Anything I wanted, I would take. I denied myself no pleasure." Pleasure seeking is going unbridled even now. Anything you desire, anything under the sun, you get it on you finger tips now, you get it delivered at your doorstep any moment at the luxury of even others not knowing. Secretly you can enjoy within the four corners of your device in your palm.  But with Solomon, I would echo.  Eccl:2:11 But as I looked at everything, I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all so meaningless, like chasing...

Wisdom is foolishness

The Qoholeth is the wisest man ever lived in this world. It is said in Eccl:1:16-17 that he pursued knowledge and wisdom. He had set out to learn.  It is seen in his buildings that he made, the temple and the palace with its furnishings. He rebuild towns. People are amazed at his wisdom and glory. It was all given to him though he never asked for it.  But may be once his attitude changed from being given to setting out to pursue by his own efforts. Then things probably started to change. And he says.....  Pursuing all this is like chasing the wind.  Is wisdom foolisgntess? Yes if we forget the giver of it all. Without God it is foolishness.  I remember an eminent pediatric surgeon, a devoted Christian and a mentor of mine once did a complicated surgery and saved the baby's life. He was happy and elated. He himself testified, two days later that he struggled to put an IV line for another child. That is when he learnt, without God everything is futile....

Yeh dil maange more

During our childhood days this was an iconic ad with a historic caption. It was considered highly motivational and overtly inspiring which meant that your heart deserved much more and better opportunities and circumstances. Your life is supposed to be extraordinary and purported to be more enjoyable. It was an advocation to chase all your dreams and passions.  All your favourite film stars and cricket players had this in the corner of their mouth the moment you switch on your idiot box.  But little did they realize that they were vocalizing the sad reality of mankind's life.  Eccl:1:8b No man how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear we are not content.  The Qoholet (or the Teacher as the authour to Ecclesiastes wants to call himself) picturizes the inherent nature of humanity. That man is never content or happy with what he has or what his senses perceive. He thinks he deserves more and more.  Be it the taste of your favour...

What is the content of your prayer?

Job:42:8 My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer on your behalf.  When you are going through a trial; what do you pray, if at all you pray? You would pray for deliverance or you would pray for strength for facing this difficult time. Or you would be praying with eyes set on hope for your future.  When you are in the midst of trouble, all you do is to pray for yourself. You become so self centred. People like me often are so self centred that I forget to pray for others even when things go fine forgetting they are in deeper trouble.  Pray for your friend's salvation.  Pray for the widows and orphans you know.  Pray for children who would be given wisdom as they trod in this world.  Pray for healing of sick.  Pray for ministers around the globe who, forsook all their comforts to bring the word to people.  Pray for others you know who needs prayer. In the midst of your trouble time.  Job did not wait for his pr...

To listen

Job:42:7-9 Comfort if not delivered in the right way; it becomes a burden. The very people who came to comfort Job; because they communicated inaccurate things fell face flat in their expectations.  Their idea of suffering was unhidden sin. And that Job needs to find out what this punishment is due to and repent. In fact their words of encouragement became a burden for Job, it frustrated him. But they insisted that he was arrogant and non repentant.  If you are not sure - at least keep quiet. Your presence alone us sometimes the only thing that is required. You being there is often enough. You need not drag them out of discouragement. Thereby causing more harm. Instead just be there. Allow them to come out of it on their own.  I admit Lord I have failed in being there for others when they needed. I have not been a listener. But I have tried to be a professional problem solver. Only to bruise them and hurt them more. Often delaying the process of recovery. Forg...

Close enough - Poem

Is God far away?  Or does He seem so?  Has many of your 'unanswered prayers" Made you feel that He doesn't care?  Like Job (believe me; he has suffered more)  Do you feel God is playing games?  Do you often pray, "Lord increase my faith,  For I want to taste you more." Increasing of faith; doesn't often happen just like that It happens through situations It happens as you go through difficult times May be a difficult person at work May be a non healing ulcer A thorn in the flesh is to be there In order to learn that 'His grace is enough' Without which you would only have heard of Him All the blessings; all the "good things in life" Would only enable you to taste Him superficially But it is the testing times that enable you to see Him As you face those difficulties; He is close enough.  That you are enabled to see Him For mankind is inherently myopic That he can see only what is held close.  I don't know what you are going thr...

Has the routine become mundane?

Ps:96:2-3 Sing to the Lord; praise His name Each day proclaim the good news that He saved.  Publish His glorious deeds among the nations.  Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.  Praise.  Proclaim everyday.  Publish.  Praise has to be a daily routine. A regular phenomenon. Just like breathing in and breathing out. Just like the blood flowing in your veins. It has to be a natural method. Not like a conscious decision.  It would ultimately come to that level only if there is a constant decision now. Unless you take your first breath crying, there is no normal routine respiration. It becomes a natural phenomenon only after the first strenuous cry. So is praise. It becomes a natural phenomenon only if you are made to go through those strenuous testing times where you learn to cry before the Lord and through it all you see the goodness of God and praise Him and proclaim of His goodness on a day to day basis.  Make praise a practise...


Job:41:11b Everything under the heaven is mine.  Literally - made and owned by God. Every single cell. Every single molecule. Every single atom. Everything is God's. Created and fashioned individually by God's mighty hands.  On that score, what do you own my dear one? All which you proudly display as your own. Even your own children is literally not yours. You are instead stewards. 1Cor:4:7 What do you have that God hasn't given you?  Everything that you think that you have - has been given to your care by the Almighty's mighty hands. Gen:1:29 Look I have given you.  If that be true - then why proud? Why disappointed? Why angry? It is all God's. And hence He will take care.  And most importantly. Isa:43:1 Do not be afraid for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name. You are mine. Will He not do for you what is best? 

I have nothing more to say

Job:40:4 I am nothing - how could I ever find the answers?  I will cover my mouth with my hand.  Not because I have failed. Not because I have been acquitted. Not because I have been proved wrong.  My case is still alive. My complaints are still true.  But I admit I lack wisdom. I lack the knowledge. God is Sovereign. He is in control. All things He works for good for those who love Him.  Don't you worry. Do not be anxious. Do be sure of God's hand. His overarching presence controla your very life - in its entirety. There is no bad occurances. It's just apparent. He is your Father and you His child. He will take care.  He knows what He is drawing. He has got the big picture. So I will keep quiet. 


Psalm:95:8-9 The Lord says "Don't harden your hearts as Israel did at Meribah As they did at Massah in the wilderness.  For there your ancestors tested and tried my patience Even though they saw everything I did.  Do not harden your heart. No matter what the cause is. May be circumstances. May be inherited. May be inherent nature. May be  complacency.  Always be aware of God's presence. Always humble yourself. Do not forget that God is compassionate and we do not deserve. Do not forget what He has done for you.  Believing in anything contrary is a lie from the enemy. 


Lord I am slipping.  But Your unfailing love O Lord supported me à´Žà´¨്à´±െ à´•ാൽ വഴുà´¤ുà´¨്à´¨ു à´Žà´¨്à´¨ു à´žാൻ പറഞ്à´žà´ª്à´ªോൾ യഹോà´µേ, à´¨ിà´¨്à´±െ ദയ à´Žà´¨്à´¨െ à´¤ാà´™്à´™ി. സങ്à´•ീർത്തനങ്ങൾ 94:18 While you slip - all you want is to hold on to something. At least a blade of grass or a piece of straw. You try to hold on and then hope that it would be strong.  No amount of knowledge or wisdom or logic would you apply at that split second. But you hold on. Hoping.  You would want to hold on to somebody stronger. Hoping they would be strong enough to prevent you from falling.  You won't apply any logic there. Even if he is the president of the United States standing nearby, if you slip you try to hold him.  You try to hold on, hoping.  And what is your hope? Not that the straw is strong enough. Nor that the person wouldn't fall with you. Your hope is that you wouldn't fall.  Hence let us be wise in holding on to that which sustains; or is strong enough. So when crisis comes; let it ...

King forever -Poem

Psalm:93:2, 5 Your throne , O Lord has stood from time immemorial You Yourself are from the everlasting past Your royal laws cannot be changed Your reign, O Lord is holy forever and ever.  You are King forever Your reign lasts forever No beginning; You have always been in control No end; Your will, be forever.  No beginning; You are the King of my past You've done miracles I praise you for my salvation Saved me from the wretches of hell, destined for me.  No end; You are King of my future Seated on Your right side.  As co-heir with the Son.  My eternal future You've taken care of.  If so; Why am I so faithless for the present?  King forever; Eternal Father; Everlasting God Why I'm unable to trust for the now?  How saddening to see my own mistrust?  To fret; to worry; to be discouraged.  Is to not cling on to Him.  Even though I walk through the valley of shadows I am expected not to fear.  Worried about how to make ...


Job:36:10, 15b He gets their attention And commands that they turn from evil He gets their attention through adversity.  Adversity, troubles, difficult times aren't always punishments - to be precise. If God, the Holy One deals with man according to his sinfulness, who would have survived. We are talking about God's standards - looking at a woman lustfully is adultery; calling someone fool is considered equivalent to murder.  Who would have survived with these standards?  But these are signposts which prompts us to sit and look back. Where have I gone wrong? Weigh myself with God's ways. He does these in order to grab our attention. Not as somebody inferior who tries desperate to get our attention to get things done for Him; but as a loving Father who yearns for us to be like Him. Perfect as He is. Holy as He is.  We are like children who dwindle with low attention span. We need to focus always on emulating our Abba. Let this year be an year of undistract...


# Happy New Year 2023 There are a lot of allegories in the Bible, lot of similies which compare God's children to trees that will flourish.  Psalm: 1,92 Jer:17       Producing fruits of all kinds       In season and off season       Will not wither       Will flourish       Grow strong       Not bothered / not worries       Leaves stay green Yes! Such is the Godly. Such is the children of God. Why? Because that is God's plan for His loved ones. God's call is to bless. He loves and chooses to give the best. He chooses to provide not only eternal blessing; but blessings in this world as well.  Practically how does it work out?  Ps:92:13 For they are transplanted to the Lord's own house They flourish in the courts of our God.  From dirty and mirky marshland, God has transplanted you and me into the rich and fertile soils of His courtyard.  It is not ...