When the spies came back after forty days, there were two reports. Caleb said " We can certainly conquer it." Others said "they are stronger than we are."
Where the majority looked at the problem per se, Caleb looked at the God who called them. The majority looked at the giants, the descendants of Anak and saw them as big. Where as Caleb looked at his Almighty God and thought the giants were small.
One favourite quote which has always stuck in my mind - When you face with a big problem, do not tell your God how big your problem is, but tell your problem how big your God is. I'm not against praying to God when you come face to face with a problem. But I was advocating the entity called faith.
In Malayalam we have a saying 'Vilichavan vishwasthan' which means, the one who called us is faithful.
Stop trusting in logic.
Stop putting your hope in reasoning.
Ps:20:7 Some may trust in chariots and some in horses,
But we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
You are not called to believe in a word or a promise or an ideology of an organization or something inanimate. You are called to trust in the person.
He is true. He never lies.
Dear one, is there a mountain infront of you right now? And you do not know what to do. May be a sickness. May be a decision. May be rejection.
Does it look huge?
Is it impossible for you to conquer it logically?
Do not worry.
The one who promised - with my God I can scale a wall is with you.
He promised " I will never leave or forsake you"
Hold on to His hand tight. (And mind you, He will not leave your hand even if you do)
Bigger than all my problems
Bigger than anything
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see.
May God give us the grace to hold on to his hand