Psalm 4 was written by David centuries before the gospel became true. But he conveyed a strong message here. V:1 says God who declares me innocent. David knew how wretched a sinner he was. Still he says God declares him innocent. He has a confidence that God forgives his sins when he genuinely repents. That confidence is what we see in Psalm 51 No excuses. No reasons. Do we have that confidence? Rom:3:22 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. Rom:3:24 Yet God with undeserved kindness declares that we are righteous. Rom:3:26 He declares sinners to be right in His sight when they believe in Jesus. Oh what a privilege? What confidence? We need not beat our body or strain or strive to please him. No amount of pilgrimage or offerings is able to bribe Him, to please Him to accept us into Him. Only an act of God could do this justification. An old definition of justification goes like this - JUST AS IF I NEVER SINNED. He not only declares me innocent...
Amateur as I am, halfbaked as I am. But i write with a purpose, to point to my master, to show of His love. The love I've seen in His eyes, is not just for me. This bard hence writes so that you would see His love too