"No one likes a defective piece. It frustrates you and irritates you"
That is the very reason why I cannot gain my own salvation.
No matter what good acts I do, no matter how much alms I give for the church or for the poor, no matter what tough pilgrimage I go for, no matter what good I do for the society to make it a better place to live, no matter what good examples I set for the coming generations, the Lord says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Rom:3:20 says no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands.
Hence the need for a defectless lamb is imminent.
1Pet:2:22 He never sinned nor deceived anyone.
2Cor:5:21 He who knew no sin
Heb:4:15 Yet without sin
1 John:3:5 in Him there is no sin
Just like the lamb is representative, Jesus died for our sins on our behalf.
Just like the laying of hands and the Lord accepted it on their behalf, accepting Jesus and His sacrifice and the Lord accepts His sacrifice on our behalf, in our stead.
The sacrifice is already paid, Have you laid hands?
Worthy is the lamb