For the men...
Remain loyal to your wife of your youth. Oh! I have been faithful to the love of my life.
The prophet extends his cry. Guard your heart. How many of us have been faithful in our hearts. The God whom we follow says this - He who looks lustfully at a woman, commits adultery. On screen or off. Directly or indirectly.
With this holy standard of God, we have all failed.
And divorce means, overwhelming her with cruelty. Not necessarily means physical breakage of bond. Physical, mental, emotional cruelty is considered as divorce.
He who made you one in His sight, wails with pain when seperated. One flesh torn apart. Three braided cord it is, pulled apart, it bruises and lacerates Him as well as you both, when there is lack of love, when there is no unity. He who is love expects, nothing short of love in this relationship. Unconditional Agape love. Just as Christ loved the church. Just as the church submits to Him.
The intention of God is clear - to give you a gift, flesh of your own flesh. To love as the Triune God loved the Three in One. As He loves each one of us. . He has instilled a glimpse of His character in us. Though we do not deserve. He has been gracious. How are we faithful?
Yes to women as well...
Based on Mal:2:11-16
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