Isa 58
Do I fool myself when I believe that I am in close proximity to God when actually I am far away?
Do I seem to be delighted to know Him. But yet I am far away from His heart?
Do I act righteous, but I am always a filthy rag?
Why is there a difference from what I perceive and who I really am?
It is because you are fasting to please yourselves.
In my religiosity there is selfishness. In my piety there is self centredness. My prayers do not reflect the selfless God that I follow. My deeds do not shine the love of a God who gave His all.
- Free those who are wrongly imprisoned
- Share your food with the hungry
- Give shelter to the homeless
-Give clothes to those who need them
-Do not hide from your relatives who need your help.
- Feed the hungry
- Help those in trouble.
Why do I not reflect, the God, who thought of redeeming me;even when He had to shed His last drop of blood.
Bless me, O Lord. Bless my family, Lord. Yes I should learn to pray for my needs. There is utter dependance in praying. But is that all I need? Why is the passion of that selfless Father not inscribed into my heart.
When I live a selfless life giving everything that I have to those who need -
Then your salvation will come like the dawn
Then you call, the Lord will answer
Then the Lord will guide you continually
Then the Lord will be your delight.
So you see, faith in itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds it is dead and useless.