But my salvation lasts forever.
There is a desire for eternity in man's heart. That is why all fairy tales end with the clause 'happily ever after'.
Man's desire for eternity came especially true, when it was deprived of Him (at least the physical part of it)
But the concept of eternity in itself got contorted. Man thought of physicality. But God's intend was the real man inside.
Man thought He could get away with His fallen body. God tells about a glorified body yet not forsaking His identity.
The promise is too good to be true, especially when it comes back to man's fallen nature and God's holiness.
Salvation lasts forever. And no one can take it away from us.
That cannot happen with these sinful bodies we have inherited. For that He imparted His righteousness, which too will last forever (v:8)
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Is this a dream? A fairy tale come true?
No. A reality too good. That is my God who is called 'love'.