2 Chron:6 - Solomon's dedication prayer
The summary of Solomon's prayer of dedication -
Lord I need you. For every facet of my life I need you. Whether I turn this way, when I go for work, whether I go to school for studies. Whether I go out to play. Whether I sit at he. Whatever I'd be doing, I need you. You alone knows my inmost heart and it's motives. Whether there is sin crouching. What my heart's desperate need is. I do not know to drive. You are the one who designed it. The master planner. You alone know.
Help me to submit selflessly to your mighty and worthy hands, the whole of my life. Not witholding any locked door. All my bruised corners I submit for you to heal. All my darkened rooms I submit so that you can break open and shine your light. All my tears I submit. Total surrender Nd complete submission. Help me Lord