Prayer is a time of worshipping God, giving God glory, that is due for Him. Because He alone is worthy of all praises and honour.
And when man does that; He is so pleased. Because of no selfworthiness that fills His heart. No self satisfaction. Because He knows man's purpose of life is made complete in worshipping Him, in adoring His name, in maintaining that love relationship with Him.
When Solomon prayed, fire came down from heaven to burn all that was in the altar and the glorious presence of the Lord filled the Temple.
When Moses finished the Tabernacle, again the glorious presence of the Lord filled.
When Elijah, a man just like us prayed; fire came down from heaven to burn the altar even.
When David prayed, his sins were assuredly forgiven.
Whe King Hezekiah prayed, he was healed.
When Jesus prayed, the Father was eagerly listening. In the garden of Gethsamene, while praying His heart out, an angel came to strengthen Him as He prayed more fervently.
Disciples and the early church's prayers are all answered - miracles after miracles and through it all, God's name glorified.
What happens when we pray? Not even a tuft of smoke.
Because we seek only our glory. Our things. Our petitions. Our drama. Our self to be appeased. Our needs. Our wants. Our desires. Where is the wanting to know His heart? That is why we don't pray like Isaiah - send me Lord. Where is the desire to be holy just as our Father in heaven is holy?
Like Simon the sorcerer. It is definitively said of him - Simon believed and was baptized. But when he realised his selfishness, he asks for prayer.
Let us all come out of all the dirt that has been accumulated on us. Let us bow down and pray that His kingdom alone will come. That His will alone will be done.
It is not about us. It is, it will be and it has to be always about God, His name's glory.
Teach us how to pray Lord.