Time to think of your greatest desire.
Whom is it directed to?
To yourself? To God? To people around you?
Saul's greatest desire was directed to his own self.
David's was directed to his own God.
Solomon's was directed to the people.
Two of them faded away. But one stands tall.
One looks self centred - should expect to fade away.
One looks so pious - should expect to stand strong.
But Solomon - who asked for wisdom to govern the people
He was not overtly self centred. But subtly.
"Who could possibly govern this great people of yours?"
Yes God was pleased of what Solomon asked.
But there was a tinge of selfishness.
Without knowing God, there is no point serving the poor
Without being close to Him, what is the point in helping someone?
If God is not in the picture, now matter how beautifully you paint, it is useless.
What is your greatest desire?
Is it yourself?
Is it God?
Is it yourself again, through the cushion of serving others?