I want to be like God. I want to be God. In things that are in my world. I want full authority. I will decide. This is the root of all evil. "I"
God has called us to depend on Him, trust in Him. For He directs our path. He knows the perfect way for us to walk. But we have been rebellious in choosing our own way. It is not the way we take, but our attitude to choose our own way. "I"
When we choose things for ourselves, I am sort of rebelling against God. I am closing my fist against God and raising my hand against Him. I am worshipping the idol of me. "I"
Why do we get angry? Why are we lustful? Why are we jealous? Why do we enjoy porn? Why am I into alcoholism and other substance abuse, or even ocasional in it? Why am I choosing this career? Why am I choosing this place of work? It is all to appease that self?. "I"
Why do I do good things? Why do I do the good things? Why do I do the normal things? Why do I wak the extra mile? Why do I do the things for others? Why do I do things for others? Why do I do things even for God? - tithe, ministry, involvement with church? All to satisfy me. "I"
I has been so important that English language can't think of writing I without a capital i.
The root of all evil is this I.