God formed man from the dust of the ground.
From dust we are made, to dust we will return.
All our accolades. All our medallions. All our prides. All our accomplishments. All our triumphs. All our exploits. All our achievements. All our degrees that lengthen our tail. All our talents.
Then why do we feel superior or inferior? Why are we proud of what we have gained? Why do we strive for more?
All are mere dust.
All that matters is the life that has been breathed in you. The breath of life. The One who has claimed He is life has breathed life into you. Have you kindled that spark in you? If you have snuffed it off, you are mere dust remember.
I am no better than a prostitute, a rapist or a murderer, unless I have Christ in me.
If you have looked lustfully at a woman, you have already committed adultery with her - Jesus.