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Showing posts from August, 2021


Gen 6:5 And He saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil.  This is actually the plight of you and me. Anything that we think or do is consistently and totally evil. We are naturally inclined to do things which hurt God, which breaks His heart (v:6) because of the fall.  But Noah found favour with the Lord v:8 How is it possible? Was Noah sinless? Not at all. Noah also had that element of sin in him which had the tendency to rebel against God, to break His heart, but how is it that He found favour with God's heart?  Nothing much is said about that aspect of Noah, except that he did everything exactly as God commanded him.  When you read the Word of God, if the Spirit of God convinces me, do I immediately and completely obey? If the Word of God convicts me of a sin do I repent immediately?  A life in tune with God will be fruitful life indeed. A life alligned with His word is the abundant life He promised. 


Gen 5 In contrast to Cain's genealogy which starts with leaving the presence of God, we have Seth's starting with - At that time people first began to worship the Lord by name.  6 generations down the line of Cain - we have murder, vengeance and polygamy in Lamech, whereas in the line of Seth, we have a person called Enoch who is said to have lived in close fellowship with God, walking with God and one day God took Him.  The stark contrast is because of the small deviation the ancestors took.  Imagine two ships going parellel to each other. One captain decides to take a small 1 degree deviation from the course. The ships would be nautical miles apart in their destination later. Isn't it?  The choice you take, impacts not only your lives, but your generations too. So choose wisely. Exo:34:7


Cain after committing sin, after confronting with God, after arguing his way out, after no repentance and returning to God - it is said of him in Gen 4:16 Cain left the Lord's presence.  As we read on about Cain's descendants, there is polygamy, there is murder, there is revenge.  Why? All because Cain chose to leave the Lord's presence.  Psalm:119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin.  God and sin cannot stay together in your heart because they are two opposing facts. Who would stay depends on whom you want to stay, whom you want to entertain or cherish or value. 


* Stance adopted to pounce later * Watchful and vigilant * Eyes on the prey, watching every move * Never want to let go. Expecting the unexpected moves of the prey and thereby changing yours.  * No matter what, wouldn't allow the prey to go through your hands * Determined to the core to catch * Waiting for the right opportunity "Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be it's master. " Gen:4:7 The prey is asked to subdue the hunter. Actually we are not prey at all. It's all in the mind. You are not a prey, because of the One who is in you. It's like the tiger thinks that you are a gazelle who could be easily overcome. But you are an elephant, because of the One who is in you. Just strike his head (Gen3:15) Or be a gazelle. Just flee (1Cor:6:18)  1Pet:5:8 Watch out for your great enemy the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Be a gazelle or an elephant. Be watchful. Be al...

No excuses

When pointed of sin, either by people around you or straight from the Word, do you justify your actions? Like Adam and Eve?  By the way nobody asked you why you did. It's just a pointer as to change course. No explanations needed.  Just repent and change course.  How many times we have blamed others for our mistakes? For our naivety? Stop giving excuses. Just take the step and admit and repent and change course. That's it! 

Where are you?

These days we were discussing about the fall.  I can't but keep my eyes from being filled with tears thinking of the Father, Abba. When He asks while walking on the garden, "Where are you? " Imagine God running around the garden, searching for man, calling out their names aloud. Deeply saddened and hurt by the way things have turned out to be, He longs to bring man back to His bosom, but man is hiding.  He keeps calling out Adam and Eve by their name, longing to restore the lost relation, but man is hiding.  On one side we see love that is seeking out.  On the other side we see fear and guilt and remorse.  2 Cor:7:10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret. Worldly sorrow brings in death.  Yes Godly sorrow pulls you back to God, while worldly sorrow prompts you to run away from Him and hide from Him. The latter gives you more gulit and remorse and shame and going back to the cocoon. While the former sees yours...

Why confess before God?

Gen 3 Do you think an omniscient God wouldn't have known that mankind has sinned, the moment he fell?  His heart would have been aching, when in the cool breeze He was walking in the garden.  Just like everyday He came down to the garden to walk that stroll with man and his wife, to talk to them, to hear them and to guide them.  Everyday Adam and Eve would be waiting for God to come down, excited as they are. But today was different. So gloomy and melancholic.  My three boys eagerly wait for me every evening for me to come back home after work. My mind becomes disturbed and inquisitive if for one day, I don't see them waiting expectantly.  Though God very well knew the reason, how He wanted them to run to Him crying and repenting.  For us New teastament believers, things are even better. The forgiveness has already been granted. The ever forgiving Father is waiting that we would own up and take first step to tell Him that I have faltered.  ...

Looked - Poem

When temptation came, the tree looked beautiful The fruit looked delicious The woman wanted the wisdom it would give But the repercussion, it caused was gross.  They felt shame, they hid, they were afraid Though God was close, they felt far Sin will look alluring and attractive It will definitely be pleasing to the eye.  But ultimately it would cause so much pain To God and to you who sinned Yes sin when it's crouching at the door The advise is to overcome it.  Lest it should give the pain Lest it should bring the alienation That it is destined to bring.  That it had so successfully concealed. 


I want to be like God. I want to be God. In things that are in my world. I want full authority. I will decide. This is the root of all evil. "I" God has called us to depend on Him, trust in Him. For He directs our path. He knows the perfect way for us to walk. But we have been rebellious in choosing our own way. It is not the way we take, but our attitude to choose our own way. "I" When we choose things for ourselves, I am sort of rebelling against God. I am closing my fist against God and raising my hand against Him. I am worshipping the idol of me. "I" Why do we get angry? Why are we lustful? Why are we jealous? Why do we enjoy porn? Why am I into alcoholism and other substance abuse, or even ocasional in it? Why am I choosing this career? Why am I choosing this place of work? It is all to appease that self?. "I" Why do I do good things? Why do I do the good things? Why do I do the normal things? Why do I wak the extra mile? Why do ...

Did God really?

Gen:3:1 This is one of the major subtle ways Satan brings temptations in our lives. Asking questions about the authenticity of something which God told. Asking us to look at life through a different facet, through a different angle, in a different perspective. So that we could find joy through something else. Not that it will be the easier route to follow, but it is my way and that I am in control.  God has provided us with abounding joy, devil brings in futile means of happiness. To find happiness in my own way, my own means, which will never last.  God has provided us with unending, unconditional love. Devil brings in means to acceptance and love, may be through offering yourself for sex, so that he/she would accept you, buying things which you do not need, so that your friends would accept you. When I try to find love and acceptance in my own way, don't we realize that it is ephemeral.  God has plans to prosper us - only by submitting to His will, there is ...

Super excited

Just imagine how super excited Adam would have been seeing Eve for the first time. I am reminded of my own feelings when I first saw Nissy on our wedding day - butterflies in stomach, heartbeats rising, wowed by the beauty. Here is God telling, "Here is my gift for you" Made out of you, made for you, made to be together as one. WOW. I hope she also might have thought so on seeing me (fingers crossed)  And then Adam springs forth with the second song of the Bible. Before this, when God brings in the animals to be named by Adam he was melancholic, depressed. Now he is electrifed and becomes a poet and a singer.  Have my excitement come down as compared to the first day? Have my love grown cold? Everyday I need to be thankful to God, grateful to Him for giving me the best gift in my life. Who has accepted me with all my struggles. Then life will change. Life will always be a song. If God is in the centre of your marriage.  Eccl:4:12 A triple braided cord is not e...

Not good to be alone

Gen:2:18 Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him." Yes, we need to engrave this truth in our hearts. Your husband, dear one is designed by the Almighty, because it is not good for you to be alone. Your wife dear one has been created by the All Powerful One because He saw that it wouldn't be good for you to be alone.  A helper has been provided, because you really need help to live in this world. A helper who is part of you. A helper who is one with you. You are one unit. You live together as one. "The two are united into one. Gen:1:24 Oh! That husbands and wives would realize this truth and love each other as they love themselves.  Oh! That children would see the unity and oneness in their parents and have an example to follow.  Oh! That there would be mutual love and respect in the family and as one unit come before the Creator.  Oh! That young people would keep themselves pure for t...


God formed man from the dust of the ground.  From dust we are made, to dust we will return.  All our accolades. All our medallions. All our prides. All our accomplishments. All our triumphs. All our exploits. All our achievements. All our degrees that lengthen our tail. All our talents.  Then why do we feel superior or inferior? Why are we proud of what we have gained? Why do we strive for more?  All are mere dust.  All that matters is the life that has been breathed in you. The breath of life. The One who has claimed He is life has breathed life into you. Have you kindled that spark in you? If you have snuffed it off, you are mere dust remember.  I am no better than a prostitute, a rapist or a murderer, unless I have Christ in me.  If you have looked lustfully at a woman, you have already committed adultery with her - Jesus. 


Gen:2:1-4 God ended His work with rest.  Man begins his life with rest.  How often do I forget the very basic essence of life? Rest. But I strive hard to sort things out in my circle. I should solve out my problems. My hands should bring a solution because I'm in charge. But rest is the basic truth I lack. Because of lack of rest in my Father's bosom, I tend to be frustrated, I tend to get sleepless nights, the heart rate is on the higher side, my eyes are soggy, my mind is slushy. Fingers are fidgetty unable to do, mind is raucous like a roaring sea. So many things to do. Yet so little a time.  In repentance and rest is your salvation.  In quietness and trust is your strength Isa:30:15 Why my soul are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God Psalm 43:5 Be still and know that I am God Psalm:46:10 Know that I am in full control. I am God not a futile human who is unable to bring a solution for your situation. Omnipotence is my charact...

The Lord rejoices

Gen1:27 So God created human beings in His own image In the image of God He created them Male and female He created them In both NIV and NLT, this verse is written as a poem. I feel out of joy God is singing over the creation of mankind. Till now everyday He looks at what He has made and saw that it was good. But after He created man on the sixth day, He looks at everything He has made and He sees that it was very good. Man is the pinnacle of His creation, being created in the very image of God, being like Him, God sees it as extremely good and that is why He sings out a song. Probably the first song of the Bible.  Zeph:3:17 The Lord rejoices over you with gladness.  The very being of yours brings joy to God's heart. Not because of anything you've done or accomplished. But simply because of the fact that God has created you in His own image and likeness. 

Independence or freedom?

What else to consider, on this 75th independence day of India, than the original scenes in the garden of Eden.  'Let us make human beings in our own image to be like us' Each phrase on its own has indepth meaning.  Let us - The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit is involved in unity.  Make human beings - No evolution, no spontaneous mixing of chemicals. Man has been created by the Holy God.  In our image -  We are created in God's image. Unlike all other creations we are born to reflect His glory.  To be like us - God has created us, so that we would be like Him. That is the sole purpose of our lives. That is the abundant life He has promised. That is the plan He has to prosper.  Anything short of this is slavery. Freedom lies in the privilege to live the path that has been planned for us. Anything short of it is ' hamartos' Sin has marred that purpose of ours. The evil one gives us umpteen more reasons to live, labels it as independence. ...

Voices that we hear

So God created /made It is a recurring term that comes in the story of creation. My eldest one was asking last day. How did God create? He did not create with His hands right? I told yes it was through His word, His voice He created(Except the creation of man). It was difficult for him to fully understand that.  It's very difficult for us to comprehend too, because we are limited in our understanding, finite in our comprehension. We are not beings who can create by our words. We are used to being creative by our hands.  Moulding clay.  Drawing picturesque scenes.  Writing life like stories and poems.  As a healthcare professional - part taking in the healing process.  As a labourer - setting up a beautiful garden.  As a chef - making sumptuous delicious mouth watering delicacies.  As an engineer- developing a software or an infrastructure All these are works of our hands.  We as finite beings will not be able to do these by the po...

Chaos - Poem

Formless and empty, your life might seem Chaos and confusion, mayhem and disarrayed Your life might look to be in big soup But remember the Lord is in control The earth was formless and empty too Yet the Spirit was hovering over 'Let there be light' the words He spoke Brought orderliness, into what we see now Plead to the source of life Intercede and voice out to Him Yes, He is in control, but He loves to be talked to Ask and you shall receive.  Once you pray and intercede Helpless as you are, saying not anymore The life giving word, as it comes out of His mouth Will not return void, accomplishing all He wants.  The word from the mouth, both yours and His Has the power to change your chaos Voice out to Him, who changes everything He will calm the storm, for sure. 


1 Sam:31 No matter how great your accomplishments are, the inevitable death is always lurking. Saul strove hard to protect his throne for his family from David. But he falls too finally. So does his children.  You too will have to face this inevitable truth one day, where you will be face to face with the judge. Whether you want to believe it or not.  No becauses, no ifs, no buts, no giving reasons or explanations.  Only stand before Him who judges everyone righteously.  But thanks be unto God, for the penalty has already been paid.  Rom:8:1 So now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 

Share alike

We share and share alike 1Sam:30:24 Those who go to the battle and those who guard the equipments. David is willing to share the plunder to those who withheld themselves from raiding the Amalekites, because they were exhausted. It's their own set of people who was with them. Others in the troop didn't want to. But David was generous.  Not only that. David sends gifts to people in different towns that David had visited. Probably after the generous giving away and sharing David would have had hardly a penny for himself. But we share and share alike was his motto.  In this world of selfishness and self orientedness where we are hoarding things for our own, even if I do not want, David is an example to follow. Even if it's a pen that I bought for myself or giving money to the needy, that selfcentredness is so obvious. Whereas David's attitude of giving gifts to others in different towns is so emulative.  Why are we so possessive Why are we so stiff necked Why do...


Today it's a list of verses for trust John:14:1 Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in Me.  Pro:3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.  Psalm:56:3 When i am afraid, I will trust in you.  Job:13:15 Though He slays me, I will trust Him Nahum:1:7 He knows them who trusts in Him.  Pro:30:5 He is a shield unto them who put their trust in Him


1Sam 29 David was shattered when the Philistine army did not allow him to join with them in war. He asks King Achish - What have you ever found in your servant that I can't go? Though Achish was so impressed with David's demeanour, he is helpless too.  But David never sulks or broods over the situation. He goes back to the town. Knowing God is in control. Believing it is God's will.  Not tired. Not fed up. Not lost all strength. No complaints. No questions.  Why sulk when you are sure, God has plans to prosper you.  You brood when you think you did not get what you thought was best for you.  Why gloom when you can rejoice over a God who says - I'm there.  May God enable.  Are you still sad?  Poem -  Still sad?

Say No for good

1Sam 28 See what Saul has done. After banning the practise of consulting mediums and spirits of the dead, when God seemed silent, he goes back to the very thing he forbade.  Be drastic in your decisions about sin. Do no compromises. A no has to be a no always. When you are weak on your knees, do not succumb. Keep fighting. For you Father abhors sin. And when the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin, say no to it for good.  Prov:26:11 As a dog returns to it's vomit So a fool repeats his foolishness

Logic reasoning

David thinks to himself. If I go and stay with the Philistines, Saul will stop hunting for me.  A man after God's own heart, thinks for himself. A foolish logical decision to find refuge in his enemies. Yes Saul did stop pursuing him. But what happened later is so painful. King Achish trusts him, but not the other Philistine rulers. So when they go out to war against Israel (imagine David's situation - asked to fight against his own / God's own nation),  they don't trust his loyalty. And he is asked to go back. When he goes back, he sees the Amalekites have attacked his town which is left in ruins. Wives and sons and daughters taken away. Disappointed, David's men (men of valour) are so downcast they plan to stone David.  Logic reasoning seems the most practical route to take. According to the world's norm, this seems the easiest and logically most beneficial path for you. Monetarily better, socially acceptable, practically safer. Yes He has given us...

Can I - Poem

Can I be kind like David Sparing Saul's life, even twice When others with him advised him The Lord has given your enemy to your hands.  Saul has been very cruel to him Without reasons chasing him But David, he chose not to Raise his hand against the anointed Can I be content like David Without any particular sin He runs for fear of his life from the king He could have very well complained To God as to why He allows But he never blurts out his feelings to God If God has allowed let it be. He concludes.  Can I be humble like David Call himself a flea, a dead dog, a patridge Spare striking the king, saying he is the anointed When he know he himself is the one.  Submitting to the will of God The time of the Holy One And that is why God Himself calls him Man after mine own heart.

By roads

One major problem with Saul was that he never learnt from his past experiences. He never looked back into his life and corrected or reinstated. David has spared his life once and he has commented that David has repaid good for evil. Still when he came to know that David had camped in the hill of Hakilah, he sets out with his army to kill David.  When we look back into our own lives, there have been episodes of admonitions, corrections, humbling experiences where we realized we were in the wrong road and we decided to set our course right. But down the line we have forgotten. We have comfortably erased and drenched it within the ease of our lives.  Correcting our course and reverting back to the old path will do you no good. A continual discipline is as equally imperative as deviating from the wrong path. Remember there are always byeroads to the broader route.  To stick to the narrow path is difficult. You need to keep reminding yourself, otherwise every road ...

Brevity of life

Psalm 39 is a psalm of introspection and self assessment by David.  David starts by saying I will watch what I do and what I say. I will hold my tongue.  Being conscious of what you do and what you say and he keeps quiet even saying the good things.  Probably he went on to depression seeing his plight what he says and what he does that he not even has the strength to say even the good things.  That is when he stabilizes himself and looks into the brevity of his life. V:4-6 How brief my life is? That should I be thinking of the things so futile?  Compared to eternity that I may spend with Him or without Him, does it really matter how much wealth I accumulated. How much degrees I acquired. How many trophies I got.  And finally he concludes v:7 and so Lord where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.  He realizes that the reason for all his problems us his innate nature of rebellion and he asks God to rescue him from it.  V:12 Hear my ...

Secure in His treasure pouch (Poem)

1Sam:25:29 (Abigail to David)  Even when your enemies try to chase you For unexplained reasons if they seek to kill you Your life is safe in the care of the Lord your God Your life is secure in His treasure pouch What a beautiful place it is to be In the treasure pouch of the Lord Always in His hands, the precious pouch will be He opens it often, to see whether I'm safe The pouch in itself might be ragged But the treasure in it is secure Safe in the arms of my God He will not let any harm befall me.  The enemy tries to destroy me He targets me, my weak points to bring me down But Lo! My God has me safe in His pouch Which He has placed in the palm of His hands.  No one can snatch me from my Big Brother's hands And yes, my Father's hands are there too No one can snatch me from my Father's hands Yes I'm safe in the treasure pouch.  The devil may throw his arrows upon me Because the treasure pouch is in His hands My Father protects His own hands No evil will...


Abigail was a sensible woman (1Sam:25:3)  In contrast to her husband Nabal, Abigail had the wisdom.  If we live a life that is pleasing to our own eyes, according to the limited wisdom we have, we would also be like Nabal, crude and rude, insensible, living for your own self. But if you seek God and His wisdom we would be more sensible. We would approach things that come our way, in Godly wisdom. God's wisdom is unlimited but our vision is myopic. We miss the big picture. I believe if Nabal had surely known that David would be the future king, would he not have behaved sensibly? Jonathan had the wisdom from above too, but not Saul.  Pro:2:5-7 Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord And you will gain knowledge of God For the Lord grants wisdom  from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding.  He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.  V:9 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair You will find the right ...


Nabal was rude and mean in his dealings with men. He might have reacted to David and his men that way, also because he might have heard of what happened to Ahimelech the priest. For providing for David, Saul killed Ahimelech. He might have loved his own life more. He might have had his own excuses. He was trying to be wise.  But there is a way to speak.  Rudeness and meanness comes out of a lot of frustrations that is piled up in your heart. If the Spirit convinces you that you have been rude, think what is it that keeps you angry. What is it that frustrates you.  There is nothing that the Lord can't  bring a solution to. Tell it out to Him. Vending out to others by shouting or yelling at them is not the remedy. Because of your rude demeanor both you and others are at ill effect.  Are you rude online? The comments that you post, the tweets and retweets and stories that you share. Are saying things out loud which you want to let out harmlessly. Politi...