A pretention of self righteousness.
Had we been there, we would not have syndrome. We would not have been partners in killing the prophets. Where they themselves are plotting against Jesus.
Had I been in his shoes, I would have lived in a different way. When we say that, we think we are righteous inherantly and we wouldn't fall. If my situation had been different, I would have chosen a different path of goodness, because basically I am nice. It is the circumstances that made me thus. You wouldn't know what all I went through to make me what I am now. A self righteous person puts the blame on the circumstances. He never owns up. He never admits He has been wrong.
You simply cannot blame people or circumstances or background for your actions, for your choices. You are indeed responsible. And you cannot evade from it.
And when you say that, see to it that there is no log in your eye before you point at a speck in his eye. Do not neglect the sin in you to point the sin in other's lives.
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