The third woe is against those who are deeply ritualistic. So much so that, they think and teach, that, that is the only way to heaven.
Swearing by substances in the Temple (where Jesus had already said, let your yes be yes and no be no), ie considering the inanimate substances with high religiosity and piety. Jesus asks, How blind! Which is more important - the gift on the altar or the altar that makes the gift sacred?
What things do you consider as sacraments?
As a young boy, I used to believe that participating in the Lord's table in itself would make you holy. And therefore I used to meticulously part take in it every week.
Not just things. Habits too.
Praying can be ritualistic, when you pray with a cold heart. Or you utter a prayer repeatedly.
Taking your quiet time can be ritualistic too. When you didn't get time one day, would you quickly read one verse and rush? Fearing some harm, if you hadn't?
Being part of the church activities, even outreach programs and any other ministry can be ritualistic, if you do it out of fear of the church elders.
Jesus says - do things out of your heart. And if it becomes an idol, take it away.
Not the Temple but the One who is in the Temple is more important. And you cannot please Him by doing certain things for Him, yet your heart is far away from Him. Pilgrimages, giving alms. Why would He need some candles? Why would He need your money? Why would He need anything you can give. He is the Lord of all. Are you trying to fool God by trying to sugar coat your filthy heart?
Heart is what He looks into, not your hands.
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Thank you for the wonderful thoughts!!!