Woe unto you if you are greedy and self indulgent. These are two linked words. In fact, self indulgence is the root of greediness. Self, infact is the root of every sin.
I need it as my own - greedy.
I want pleasure - lust and the related
My point is ascertained - anger, murder
I don't have it - jealousy, envy, covetousness
I should be protected - lie
Take any sin - big or small, it is around self, love for self, self centredness, self indulgence, whatever you would call it. Lucifer had the same. Adam and Eve had the same.
Cleaning the outside of your acts of sin is not just enough. Look into the core and see how sinful you are.
Realize how fallen and wretched you are, no matter how perfect you look on the outside.
And therefore repent. That is the only thing you can do; helplessly seek mercy from a gracious God to forgive and reinstate.
Otherwise - Woe unto you.
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