Now Jesus asks a question to the teachers of the law. Earlier they were asking Him questions one after the other in order to trap Him. But when He asks them one, He silences them completely.
What do you think of the Messiah? Whose son is He? Matt:22:42
Did He ask so that these teachers of the law would keep quiet for a moment? So that He would be eased of their trouble for a minute at least? To win over them?
He was trying to teach something. The Messiah would be a descendant of David but because He was from God, He was fully not a son of man, a son of David, but son of God.
These are the titles about the Messiah which has its own implications.
Son of God - because begotten by God, fully God, absolutely sinless, therefore the apt sacrifice.
Son of man - implying He was fully man, tempted as each of us, yet without sin.
Son of David - a descendant from the lineage of David as prophesied already.
Is it coincidential that all the prophesies about the Messiah is fulfilled in Jesus? Not at all. Prophesy is fore telling and in Jesus every single one is proved true. That is not coincidence. That is truth. It is not a myth. Histories have proven the existance of a miracle working man called Yeshua in the land of Israel. Putting all these together there can only be one conclusion. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only be Gotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him Shall not perish but have eternal life.
Its your choice to believe it or not.
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